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Roasted Beetroot, Sweet Potato and Kale Salad

  1. Wash the beetroot and sweet potato and peel if desired. Halve the beetroot and place into a large roasting dish lined with baking paper.  Halve the sweet potato lengthways and then slice into 2cm half-moon pieces, add to the baking dish with the oil, garlic, salt, pepper, fennel and cumin.
  2. Roast at 180°C for 40 minutes, then sprinkle over the sesame and pepita seeds and roast for a further 10-15 minutes until the seeds are toasted and the vegetables are tender.
  3. For the dressing, mix yogurt, lemon and tahini then season to taste. Adjust the thickness of the dressing with a little milk or water if desired.
  4. Arrange Leafy Patch Baby Kale leaves on a serving platter, scatter with roasted vegetables and seeds and drizzle with yogurt dressing.